Dive into the enchanting world of 'VoidTear' for the 1-Bit jam. Unravel mysteries across dimensions, unlock paths with keys, and warp through dimensions using linked orbs. Discover a unique 2D side-scrolling platformer where creativity meets challenge.

~ChatGPT making a short description of the game

(althought there is not that much creativity and challenge)

(not so much mysteries also, the game has no lore)

The game is VERY short (almost perfect runthrough starting from game loaded: 2:30 (All the way until the credits scene))

(This short game takes a while to load since it is my first unity game and i dont know anything to make the game load faster...)



2-Abonded Mine

3-The Missing Key

Controls (are in game also):

wasd - move

e - open door (if have key)

space - warp if the orb is nearby


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Nice! I'd love to see a complete game.

Yes, I do want to complete a game! I think you could do a lot more with this!

And check out the update of The DINO Game!: https://greencat357.itch.io/the-dino-game

checked out pretty cool, though can’t dodge the dino’s run attack now

Not too bad for your first dive into Unity~ Keep it up <3

I don't know how to get to the second door

Just walk around and you will find it. After warping to the Dark Dimension and go down that deadly mana leak abonded mine, walk right and u will see the door, go down to find the key

Here's a part of the mpa:

Maybe you should make the ladders more noticeable for the people :)

uhh hi i just uploaded the game, i saw ur comment: 28 minutes ago :

I bet your game is going to be awesome!

it is a bit short though.

just remebered you are the on who made "The DINO Game